French from Scratch
Irregular verbs
French irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the regular conjugation patterns. This can make them difficult to learn, but there are regularities that make the process easier:
– je & tu: endings –> -s or -x
– il/elle/on: endings –> -t / -d
– nous: -ons in 99% of the cases
– vous: -ez in 99% of the cases
– ils/elles: -ent or -ont
With a little practice, you’ll be able to master them in no time!
1. Iregular verbs & present
2. Iregular verbs & future
3. Iregular verbs & past
Irregular verbs can be a challenge, but they are an essential part of the French language.
Example: je fais des biscuits (I’m making cookies).
Some of the most common ones include:
– être (to be) & avoir (to have)
– aller (to go) & venir (to come)
– connaître & savoir (to know)
– prendre (to take)
– faire (to do, to make)
– vouloir (to want) & pouvoir (can) & devoir (to – have to, must)
– croire (believe)
– mettre (to put)
– tenir (to hold)
– attendre (wait)
– dire (to say, to tell)
With a little practice, you’ll be able to master them in no time!