InSitu French School | French 2-to-1 Classes Class French Learning Lessons

French 2-to-1

Learn with a relative, friend, or colleague with a similar French level. A great way to stay motivated!

We study at school and then build on your progress in real-life situations – if you wish! It’s a great way to put the lessons into practice with activities that you enjoy. The courses are centered on you and your skills, interests, and goals, so the program is tailor-made and remains flexible.

  • All levels
  • Available online
  • Duration and schedule: on-measure

What To Expect?

  • Full Beginner: Dealing in French with the French

Based on fun and engaging ‘ready-to-use’ roadmaps, this level teaches how to interact in French in daily life. These tools are brought to life through on-site activities. Each lesson teaches new elements of the language and allows the student to gradually gain autonomy in using it.

  • Beginner to Intermediate: Building and extending skills

Going beyond the basics, this level introduces students to French conjugation and grammar through lessons based on communication objectives. In other words, students first learn how to communicate and then they gain grammar and conjugation knowledge to enrich their understanding.

  • Intermediate: Consolidating skills and knowledge

Based on conversation, each class combines informal practice, language work, and guided activities to extend the student’s skills. To meet the student’s needs, I carry out a thorough assessment before the start of the program.

  • Advanced: Sharpening the language

Depending on the student’s goals, we can make their French more native-like, more professional, more academic, more specialized… you name it!

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Feel free to contact us to discuss your project. 

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